With your business’s event just around the corner, it’s crucial to make sure you’ve got the word out to the appropriate people. There’s no point spending weeks planning an event if nobody is going to turn up. This doesn’t mean you need a big marketing campaign, but you want to be doing a bit more than sending out a couple of emails. Here are a few tips for marketing your event.
A marketing plan
You need to be organised if you want to succeed. This is where a marketing plan is your best asset. You want everyone in attendance to see how professionally you carry yourself and your business. An organised event not only runs smoother, but also makes you look a lot more professional throughout.
You need to be motivated to succeed
If you’re lacking in motivation then it’s more than likely you will fail. You need to be tireless in your efforts to make sure your event is a success in all aspects. Your hard work will soon pay off when you’re reaping the rewards of putting in some extra effort.
Why should your target market attend?
If you’re asking yourself this question then you’ve already lost half the battle. You need to know exactly why your target market should attend, and how they will benefit from being there. What is the draw of your event? Quite often it’s unclear to people what the benefits of the event are, so make sure you point it out to them so your event isn’t one to be missed.
Utilise social networks
The majority of people these days use some form of social network for personal use or for business. This makes a social network the most useful form of marketing, and the best part is that it’s free. Set up a group on Facebook for your event with all the information people need before hand, and also a run down of what will be happening on the day. Using hash tags on Twitter is an ideal way to get your event out there. Use words that are popular or common in your chosen field of business, and it will be seen by anyone searching for those words. Which is likely to be exactly the type of people in your target market.
Blogging will come in handy
Blogs have taken over the Internet. Everybody has one, or in some cases more than one. If you write your own blog for your business, or know a blogger who’s willing to feature your event on their blog, it’s a great way to spread the word about your event. This will give you the chance to market to a wider range of people, as many people spend the majority of their time online, reading blogs. A blog post will give you a better chance to give more information about the event, in a familiar chatty style which people will be able to relate to more.
The most crucial stage of any event is the planning, and once you’ve made a plan you need to market effectively. You can plan the best event in the world, but if you market poorly no one will be there. Use every resource you have, and any platforms of communication with the public available. Creative marketing will separate you from any competition, which is always good for business.