Today, Internet has changed the face of every Business entity that could streamline their services to reach the customer efficiently and made things easy to do. I still remember most of my childhood I used to roam around the downtown shopping districts to find the right product to pick and get it serviced whenever it needs to, Which was quite hectic task to stay on waiting and made me feel wouldn’t I get my products and services onto my doorstep or the place I be? Ever since the invention of World Wide Web by famous Computer Scientist Tim Berners-Lee, the things started to shape up and I was hopeful one day Internet will evolve itself to reach the common man rather being solely used in defense sector.

Internet has been playing the most prominent role in our daily life to get connected to the world and it’s become more promising with the launch of Social Media and E-Commerce websites. When I say E-Commerce I mean it’s all about Digital Marketing, The way you advertise or sell your products online. As time passed on I’ve an option to choose a product at a price at my reach from various E-Commerce platforms. The competition has got immense effect in market as such new startups are struggling to market their own businesses due to already well established companies. I’ve certain things to discuss about various methods how these startups can change themselves to be competitive in the market.

Firstly, try to start a podcast not about your product or service but it’s a matter of entitlement of customer interests about your products and services. Podcast will shape up your business to a new level as it’ll be ranked pretty well in Google to reach the wide audience over the internet by building a strong virtual relationship. People tend to do business when they believe and trust.
Secondly, Along with digital marketing consider print marketing as a source of marketing by publishing a book that encapsulates the product specification as well as positives using Amazon Publishing which is extremely easy to do. It also gets attention from the press in order to build amazing relationship with the readers associated that your competitors aren’t doing it.

Thirdly, never offer your customers to browse through single product pages as it’ll add negative aspect on the customer to click on buy now button immediately, try to offer them with other options like e-mail alerts if you are dropping the price or add new styles or other similar new products to your site. It’s always better to popularize your products using Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and by adding pop-up thank you message to shoppers who share and ask if they’d like to leave their email address to send notifications for similar prices.
Fourthly, don’t shy yourself to show your Philanthropic side, a brands main focus has almost been the revenue and marketing consumers to get them to buy more. As consumers increasing become aware of world around them, they try to start noticing a desire to help in some way. A philanthropic side of you will always build a trust amongst the consumers to buy the products you offer.

Fifthly, keep your pages in supportive by all the devices like a mobile phone, tablet, computer etc. A consumer always feels comfortable when the accessibility is as easy as possible. Make the data in the pages to be dynamic and flown precisely between various media i.e. mobile, social, web channels for the product purchase. This cross-channel activity reveals huge amount of information about their preference. So it’s evident for the companies to follow the thread of interactions and customize display in a manner to increase the chances of conversion.
Lastly, don’t keep your emails to overlook try to keep it as fresh as needed by a simple changing of few elements in the email format will make a better marketing strategy will allow you to push the conversations with the consumers to new heights.
These points can show immense effect on the businesses to grow tremendously, which will throw each start up to flourish high.