Automotive IndustryIndustry Specific Articles

Export Market Of Auto Parts Industries

Companies dealing with auto export business produce a wide range of products from engines, engines parts, batteries, tires, bodies and suspension system. Vehicle assembling doesn’t fall under this industry. Auto Parts Exporters provide the product and components produced by original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for assembling and manufacturing a complete auto vehicle. They also supply parts to the aftermarket. Auto parts Exporters aim for the majority of large scale auto dealers. As the order lands for production the race for the dominance and quality deliverance starts as well. Big names like Fiat and Bosch fight for the reign in their concerned areas.

Export market of Auto Parts industries

Other industry Products of Auto Part Exporters

  • Electrical and electronic components
  • HVAC parts
  • Exhaust systems
  • Brake systems
  • Steering and suspension
  • Airbags etc.
  • Auto body parts and wheels
  • Filters, radiators and other components

Listed below are Two Major Auto Part Exporters:-


It’s a German automobile manufacturing company that deals in auto parts industry and been on the top of amongst others. Founded by Robert Bosch in Stuttgart in 1887 and is now headquartered in Gerlingen. The company deals in many areas but thrive and known for its industrial work for automobile parts including controls, electrical drives, electronics, fuel systems, generators etc. The company includes 350 sub-branches which generate more than 60% of the revenue and for matter of fact Bosch has a presence in almost every 3rd vehicle released into the market. The company earned recognition for producing superior parts with top-notch quality and services.


Fiat is an Italian automobile manufacturing company which produces vehicles under its name but to be precise the company most revenues generated by the export of its engines because 80% of the engines in the world is exported by either Fiat or its affiliates. The company started its journey in year 1899 with its first vehicle launch. The tremendous amount of workload is handled by the company and always aims to dominate the automotive world. It has seen tremendous growth and further expanded throughout the world. The company not only goes as best brand in auto shows for economy class but eco friendly with low CO2 emissions produced from its engines.

The necessity for Auto Parts Manufacturers

As the industry is growing at a massive pace, there is a surge in demand in this sector but, not all companies or countries were are able to produce every component for automobiles, so they try to give bulk orders to the manufacturers for the part. It is a give and take procedure for the profitable number on both sides. In the day to day life we cannot travel without our own vehicle and this shows our dependency and need on the products all around the world.

As the exporters gain their profits by selling their product. Many automobile manufacturers and dependent on them for the completion of their products on exporters. The crucial need and demand in the market always get the best out of the companies for expanding circle and move to new and better products and the race of being top seller goes on.