Arthritis is simply a disease that involves inflammation of joints in the body. The common symptoms are joint pain, swelling and stiffness in the body. Around 52.5 million adult population in the U.S. are reported to be suffering from Arthritis.
Causes of Arthritis may include genetic alterations, infections, abnormal metabolism or an immune system that functions over active. Treatment of Arthritis involves medication and physical therapy. Besides this, the importance of patient education and support cannot be ruled out. The objective of the treatment is to control the pain, improve movement in the joints and reduce the joint damage. While the rheumatic disease is most common in the elderly that is the adults above the age of 65 years. However, children and teenagers also suffer from the problem.
Acetaminophen is a common painkiller prescribed in relieving the patient from the pain. Acetaminophen, is a fever reducer and painkiller. It can be taken as a medicine in arthritis to treat pain. However, Acetaminophen does not act on the inflammation. Consumption of these medicines is safe for the people who suffer from stomach problems and allergies. If the pain is not reduced to a significant amount, the doctor may prescribe you Acetaminophen product that has opioid with it.
Acetaminophen combination with codeine can cause various side effects that may include Nausea Constipation Vomiting Dizziness Light headedness. There is a potential risk involved with the medication of Arthritis that increases with increase in the concentration of the dose.
Non-prescription acetaminophen may prove to be damaging for the level. If the dosage taken is more than the dosage recommended it can prove hazardous for the health. However, there no side effects reported when the patient adheres to the directions and be conscious about the dosage amount. You may like to consider the fact that certain restrictions were imposed by the FDA that lowered the maximum daily dosage from 4,000 milligrams to 3,000 milligrams.
When you are taking additional medicines you need to extra careful about the components of the tablet that you are taking. Some products that treat OTC cough and cold also contain Acetaminophen. This can lead to increase in the daily consumption of your level and produce side effects.
According to Grissinger, “ The side effects are not directly caused by the Acetaminophen that relieves you from the pain. It is from the combinations that are produced when it is combined with codeine, oxycodone and Hydrocodone.
Inflammation is an integral part of the disease that is called rheumatoid arthritis. These are countered with DMARDs. Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs or DMARDs, are prescribed to treat the inflammation in the joints. Even these drugs have their own side effects that are hazardous to the health. For example an increased risk of serious infections and liver damage. The culprit that causes destruction of joints is the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF).
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