Business Articles

5 Ways to Get Your Small Business Organized

Small Business

Being productive at work can be tough. There are so many distractions, from email to people stopping by your desk to ask a quick question or make lunch plans. Many of the distractions you can’t control, but the one thing you can control is clutter and organization. In fact, there is a direct correlation between productivity and clutter, according to Reliableplant. When there is so much clutter, it can be hard to figure out where to start or how to fix things. Don’t let that fear paralyze you.

Small Business

Instead, check out these five tips to get your office organized and on track.

1. Maximize desk space

It can be hard to get anything done when your desk is full of papers and junk. Plus, much of the office equipment you actually need to work can take up some prime real estate on your desk. There are a couple of things you can use to free up some of this space, such as a monitor stand or a keyboard tray.

By putting your monitor on a stand, you leave the spot under it open on your desk. You can put documents for current projects there to keep them nearby. Some monitor stands even have extra shelves or drawers for extra storage. Instead of using space in the front and center of your desk for the keyboard, get a keyboard tray; this attaches to the bottom of the desk so you can slide the tray underneath and store your keyboard elsewhere, allowing you to use your desk for other tasks and makes it look cleaner.

2. Don’t let the mail pile up

Part of getting more organized is to deal with mail as it comes in, whether it’s paper or electronic. But if you can’t deal with it right away, you should have a place to store it. It can be as simple as a tray on the corner of your desk or mounted on the wall to keep extra items out of the way. Consider making your own letter organizer for a more personalized look and to be environmentally friendly.

3. Develop an efficient filing system

Aside from mail, you should also have a clear way to organize all of your other documents. Depending on how much paperwork you need to keep, you can get a small filing cabinet to keep next to your desk or use a box. Also, like the mail organizer, you can mount some storage on the wall for your files, too.

Regardless of where you store them, you’ll want to use hanging file folders to keep everything organized. Label the folder tabs in a way that makes sense to you so that you easily find documents when you need them.

4. Leverage all of your space

Depending on the size of your office, you could use bookcases for storage or display items. This is a great place for boxes of files, contract binders, reference books or other office supplies. If traditional bookshelves won’t fit the style of your office, you could use cube shelves to break things up. You can also use fabric storage bins if you need to hide some items, but want to keep them close. They come in a variety of colors to match any décor. If space is an issue, consider mounting shelves on the wall.

5. If it’s not important, don’t keep it

One of the best ways to stay organized is to trash unnecessary items. Documents and other paperwork can stack up quickly. However, many documents contain sensitive information so you can’t just toss them in the garbage. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have a good shredding machine in the office. This way, you’ll be able to quickly and properly dispose of paperwork you no longer need.

These are some pretty simple ways to get your small business office organized. While some of the items need to be purchased (such as the shredding machine or hanging file folders), others can be customized for your personality and space. If you or someone you know is handy, consider building your own shelving, for example. Not only could this save money, but it will also create an extra sense of pride in your office. Either way, if you take the time to get your workplace organized and neat, you won’t be disappointed.