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5 major reasons behind sudden joint pain

Exessive walking

If you have ever had sudden joint pain, you must have experienced the intense pain and paralysis that follows. According to, joint pains are a common condition among Americans, in fact every month about one third of Americans seek health care for joint aches and pains.

So what causes joint pains?

Sudden joint pain has many causes .It can be as a result of an injury or symptoms of a developing autoimmune condition such as arthritis or bursitis. In this article we shall discuss the main causes of bone joint pain and how to handle it;

Causes of bone joint pain


Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It is caused when cartilage around the bones is broken down. Because cartilage absorbs shock when you walk and allows movement, when it is not present, the bones rub against each other. This causes inflammation of the joint which results to intense sudden joint pain when you move. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of this condition that is characterized by bone joint pain.


A particular type of lupus has joint pains as one of its symptoms. The Systemic lupus erythematosus occurs as a result of the body attacking its own tissues. According to the U.S National library of medicine, this happens mistakenly, some sort of mix up in information transmission. This can happen anywhere in the body including the brain, kidneys, skin and other vital organs which can be fatal. When it occurs in the joints, it destroys the cartilage leading to pain and strain when you move. Also known as SLE, this type of Lupus is common in men and women between ages 10-50. It has been observed that African Americans and Asians suffer most from the condition more than any other race.


This is a condition caused by irritation or swelling in the bursa. This is a fluid sac that cushions the muscles, bones and tendons. When it is swollen or infected, any movement of the shoulder, hip, foot or elbows bones will be painful. These are the mostly affected areas. While the most common causes of bursitis arthritis, trauma to the joints, bone infection and gout, its real cause is unknown. Its other causes are too much training and being overweight.


WebMD lists bone joint pain as a symptom of Osteomyelitis . This condition is a bone infection caused by germs, fungi or bacteria. According to MedlinePlus, this is how it happens; A skin or muscle infection can spread to the bones around it if not treated in time. It can also start from one part of the body and spread to the bones through blood. There have been instances where Osteomyelitis has been caused by metal rods and plates placed in the body during surgery. The most affected parts of the bones are arms and legs in children and the feet, hips and spine bones in adults.

Strain to the joints

Sometimes the pain in your joints is not something complicated. It may just be as a result of strain joint muscles as a result of too much exercise or a sprain you suffered. Other causes of joint pain include gout, tendinitis and fractures Just to be safe, have it checked out by a physician for a professional diagnosis.

When to contact a physician

  • When then pain lasts more than 3 days
  • When the joint pain is accompanied by fever and flu.
  • When you have drastic weight loss unexpectedly with the persistence joint pains
  • When you have unexplained pains and swelling on the joints

How to manage joint pains

Medlineplus lists the following as possible treatment procedures.

  • Injections –For patients with Arthritis, tendinitis or joint pain steroid injections can be used to reduce pain.
  • If you do not have arthritis, rest, regular exercise, massages and warm births will help reduce sudden pain in the joints.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments and drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirins may relieve pain and swelling. Make sure you have a physician’s authorization before taking any kind of medication especially for children. If you do not have a swelling on the joint, your physician may recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Physical Therapy- Therapy will help exercise and improve motion on the affected areas. Ultrasound, cold and heat therapy, nerve manipulation and stimulation can be very effective in helping you gain your mobility
  • Super blue stuff with Emu oils can be used to ease Arthritis pain. It is formulated to provide fast relief in a short period of time.


In spite of its inconveniences, joint pain is manageable. With adherence to doctors instructions, regular exercise and proper rest, you can manage your joint pains at home.
