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The Risks of Being Obese- 8 Facts No One Told You

Adding some weight is not a big issue in a year. But over the years as you lose the muscles and add a fat that’s the beginning of the problem. This can result in obesity especially when visceral fats are packed in your abdominal organs. Do you think body weight reflect your health? Yes, your body weight reflects your health. When obese, you are more susceptible to diseases related to obesity. To keep track of your body weight and health, body mass index (BMI) can give you measurements. Research has shown that BMI is only good for muscular people. Measuring your waist size is accurate in giving your body composition measurements. Waist line measurement can be used to determine your risk for obesity and heart diseases.37 to 40 inches waistline measurement is overweight for men and at greater than forty inches is obese. Women with 32 to 35 inches are overweight and obese with waistline measurements greater than 35. Here are some risks of being obese and facts no one told you:


1. Obesity can lead to fatty acid disease.

This is a disease that affects most people who are obese. It results when fat accumulates in the liver. It can lead to liver damage or liver failure. The disease has no treatment. It can only be reversed by taking some measures like losing weight by exercising or by taking healthy diet that can help cut some pounds. People with obesity are advised to avoid alcohol this can be detrimental especially when they have the fatty acid disease.

2. High risk for pauses in breathing when sleeping.

This is also known as sleep apnea. Obese people have more risks for this disease. As a result, of fat build up in the neck region or inflammation as a result of these fats. Obese people have the space for air to pass through being narrowed making breathing difficult and pausing for some time. Breath pauses can cause obese people to be prone to heart failures and sleeping during the day.

3. High probability for type-2 diabetes

Obese people have a high risk for type-2 diabetes that is as a result of high blood sugar build up. This can lead to other ailments like stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, limb amputation and even death. Weight loss tips can help reduce risks for diabetes in obese people.

4. Heart problems

Heart problems like the heart disease affect most people with obesity. This is as a result of narrowed blood vessel that take blood to the heart because an excess of fat build up. Obese people with high blood pressure and high blood sugar have increased vulnerability to heart disease. The disease can lead to heart attacks, heart failure and is the cause of most deaths in America.

5. Vulnerability to high blood pressure

Obese people have large body area which needs normal supply of blood like that of any other person. Large body size works up the heart causing high blood pressure, high fat build up also damages the blood pressure regulators, kidneys. High blood pressure lead to kidney dysfunction, heart related disease and strokes. Weight loss can help cut off some fat leading to reduced blood pressure.

6. High cancer risk

Obese people have heightened risks for abnormal cell growths. Currently, it is not exactly known why obese people have high risk for cancer. Doing regular exercises and taking healthy foods can help in weight loss and in reducing cancer risks.

7. The joint problem causing disease, osteoarthritis

Obese people have high risk of osteoarthritis due to the pressure their weight exerts on the joints. Osteoarthritis causes joint pains and stiffening making movement difficult. Overweight people also have high fat accumulation causing build-up of harmful substances in the blood vessels which can cause inflammation. Inflammation cause joint pains and can lead to osteoarthritis. Strategies for weight loss can help reduce pressure put o the joints and decrease inflammation improving the symptoms.

8. Detrimental strokes

Obesity leads to high blood pressure which can burst the blood arteries. This cause stop in flow of blood in some parts of the brain leading to death of brain cells all this adding up to stroke. When the arteries burst, blood clot blocks the supply of oxygen. Diabetes and heart problems can increase the risk of strokes. By keeping blood pressure in control with measures like weight loss, stroke risks are reduced.


People both young and old can develop obesity. People should always go for regular checkups to minimize the probability for obesity. Once someone gets obese, reversing becomes quite hard. Obesity comes with risks which can be very harmful to your body or life as well. Regular exercise and taking a healthy diet can help prevent getting obese.
