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Social Marketing: Theory and Practice

Social Marketing

For the first time the term appeared in 1971when one influential theorists of marketing, Philip Kotler has proved the need for social marketing for the company’s sustainable development. In its determination of the decisive factor in favor communication: “Social marketing – it is people’s understanding and communication with them, which leads to the assimilation of new views. Change their position causes to change their own behavior that has an impact on the solution of the social problem in which you are involved.”

The aim of social marketing, according to Kotler, serves an adequate perception of the specific target audience of social ideas, which requires the development and implementation of special programs. In this case the main task appears to improve the quality and conditions of life of this group.

Under the influence of authority F. Kotlera Russian explorer EP GOLUBKOV under social marketing understands the “type of marketing, which consists in the development, implementation and monitoring of social programs aimed at improving public perception of certain layers of certain social ideas, movements or practices.”

Slightly different definition of another Russian researcher AV Reshetnikov, according to which social marketing – “the development, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of programs that aim to achieve the perception of the target group of socially important ideas or practices”. Position Kotler on social marketing as well as marketing ideas expressed VE Gordin, who noted the following characteristics of the concept:
1) regulation of society, social change, persuasion techniques, various kinds of stimulation;
2) strengthening the role of non-profit sector in addressing most of the social problems, and 3) the penetration of market relations in all spheres of social life (when promoting social ideas as means of payment are not acting money and other means of payment – for example, credibility).

In turn, the close relationship to the needs of target groups with the economic efficiency of the company as one of the basic characteristics of social marketing, stated at the end of the twentieth century S. Ebel, M. and J. Brun. Tilmes, M. Auer and M. Hertz, D . Barry S. Zakharov. At the same time a central place in the activities of these companies, researchers assign the decision of large and small social problems. . Thus, for example, M. and J. Brun Tilmes say: “It is more important than the formal criteria of the characteristics of the organization is its commitment to the solution of social problems, the organization’s ability to initiate activities in the field of social marketing.” A NN Intercession adds: “The company, operating under the laws of social marketing, renounces their own selfish purposes, if they are contrary to the public interest. The most complete expression of this position is that the company is not only passively abandons its benefits in favor of the society, but also actively, spending big money, in favor of any idea.”

Developing the ideas of F. Kotler, A. Teta enters into a scientific concept of socially-oriented social marketing that identifies and separates the interests of society. At the same time, the scientist sees only two directions of development of marketing in today’s conditions: “First, it is the spread of the original marketing concept in the social area; and secondly, the integration in the social marketing-oriented measurement.”