Healthcare Industry

Choosing the Right Type of Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Having a cosmetic procedure done is not a decision to be taken lightly. Many cosmetic procedures involve a significant change in appearance that transform patients into new, happier people.

Considering a tummy tuck procedure to become a slimmer, fitter person requires thorough thought and analysis before making a decision. While many people are familiar with the tummy tuck operation, most are not aware that there are actually three separate forms of the procedure. When having a tummy tuck done to remove excess skin, patients have the option to choose one of these three main types:

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Mini Tummy Tuck

This is the ideal procedure for patients who simply want to get rid of a small amount of pesky stomach flab. Many people’s genetics simply don’t allow them to lose those last few pounds for a perfect physique, even through strict diet and exercise.

A surgeon performs the mini tummy tuck procedure by making a small incision in the lower abdomen that reaches up to the patient’s navel. Once the incision is made, the surgeon removes the small amount of excess skin, tightens the abdominal muscles, and returns the skin over the abs to close the incision.

The major benefit of this type of tummy tuck is the absence of a noticeable scar and the quick recovery time. Most patients who avoid strenuous physical activity after the operation will be able to resume regular activities within a week using just over-the-counter pain medication.

Traditional Tummy Tuck

For those who have a bit more than a small pouch of excess flab to remove, there is the traditional tummy tuck. This procedure is typically for men and women who are in good physical health, but have a decent portion of loose skin that they would like to be removed from their stomach.

This procedure can be particularly beneficial to people who have loose skin after losing a large amount of weight, or women who are struggling with excess flab and/or weak ab muscles after giving birth.

The incision for a standard tummy tuck is slightly larger than the incision for a mini tummy tuck. Typically, the incision will run from hip bone to hip bone. Once the incision is made, the surgeon may use liposuction to assist with fat removal before the ab muscles are tightened and the incision is closed.

Because the incision in this procedure is larger, the patient’s navel must be re-positioned before the incision is closed. While this is standard operating procedure, the intensive nature of a standard tummy tuck requires most patients to stay in the hospital for a brief time after their operation, with full recovery time usually 2-4 weeks.

Extended Tummy Tuck

The final option when choosing a procedure is the extended tummy tuck. This option is for patients who have a large amount of sagging skin and fat they wish to remove on their stomach, sides and lower back.

The incision for the extended tummy tuck goes between the hips and reaches around to the lower back. Liposuction almost always accompanies this version of tummy tuck, and as with the standard tuck, the belly button must be re-positioned before the incision is closed.

This is the most extensive version of a tummy tuck, and almost all patients will need to stay in the hospital for a day or two following the procedure, with fully recovery taking about a month.