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9 Potassium Rich Food for Good Health

Potassium rich food

Potassium rich food

In our bodies, potassium is an essential nutrient for the purpose of maintaining electrolyte balance. It also ensures that the pressure of the blood is kept stable therefore preventing diseases such as hypertension. In addition to this, it balances body fluids hence preventing muscle cramps and also regulates body fluids level. That is why most athletes are trained in high humid areas where foods rich in potassium are available in surplus. The potassium amount that you are at least required to take per day is about 4700mg. Most people think too much salt which contains sodium is bad for the diet but research shows that taking meals rich in all the minerals such as sodium, magnesium and calcium helps to maintain blood pressure together in hand with potassium. The following are ways in which one can eat potassium rich foods:

  1. Eating potatoes bake with their skin

Potatoes contain an average amount of 170 grams of potassium for every 100 grams of cooked potatoes. They also contain a lot of carbohydrates which are not recommended for people with diabetes. Sweet potatoes, therefore, are most preferred to lower blood sugar. 115 grams of sweet potatoes contains 542 mg of potassium.

  1. Include Avocado in your diet

21% of avocado is potassium mineral. It is normally added to food after serving or can be eaten raw. Avocado can also be used in place of butter. Avocado also consists of some other nutrients such as Vitamin C and fats that are also good for the body.

  1. Consider peanut butter in places where applicable

Peanut butter is one of the substances that can be taken by people who want to lose weight apart from being a source of potassium. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter has an average of 210mg of potassium. It also contains nutrients like protein and sodium mineral.

  1. Take broccoli in large quantities

Broccoli is one of the food substances that have been ranked to be among the high-potassium foods. It is a green plant that is eaten as a vegetable. Half a cup of broccoli consists of 230mg of potassium. It also contains other minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc


  1. Include Carrots in your meals

Carrot is a well known food substance that enhances eyesight especially at night, due to the abundance of vitamin A in it. A cup of cooked carrots contains about 400mg of potassium. Although it is not ranked among the highest sources of potassium, it still makes a good source.

  1. Use sunflower oil to cook

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds. A cup of sunflower seeds has about 241mg of potassium. Sunflower seeds are nutty food that is a source of vitamins, omega-6 fatty acids, and minerals.

  1. Always take soya milk

Soya milk is a drink obtained by crushing and boiling soya beans with water. A cup of soya milk has about 300g of potassium.

  1. Include corn in your meals

Corn is a food substance that requires much chewing that contains large amounts of carbohydrates. A cup of corn contains about 400mg of potassium

  1. Include cottage cheese in at least one of your meal

Cottage cheese is a food substance that can be found in several varieties which include low-fat, low-sodium and the one mixed with fruit. Half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese contains approximately 110mg of potassium mineral


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A larger population of people in the world suffers from high blood pressure due to stress and lack of potassium. Thanks to scientists who discovered potassium as a source of relief. It can be applied right in personal houses; in the form of food without necessarily going to the hospital. Apart from the above elaborated food substance there more substances that are good sources of potassium as bananas and prune. However, there is no point where a person will claim to have taken excess potassium unless it is induced into the body in other ways. This is because the potassium available in food does not even meet the required amount. Potassium is the most suitable mineral for athletes because there are the ones who are prone to muscle cramps. Generally, if someone is in need of potassium, it should be obtained from way elaborated above or any other potassium rich food.